Features under development in this section come preinstalled on DjongoCS. Visit the support page for more information.

Bulk Write

MongoDB lets you perform Bulk Write operations using bulk_write which is currently not supported in Django. However, by using Djongo it is possible to perform bulk writes.

class BulkWrite(ordered=True)


Argument Type Description
ordered boolean Perform the write operations either in order or arbitrarily.


from djongo import BulkWrite

with BulkWrite():
    entry = Entry.objects.get(pk=p_key) # Queries the DB once
    entry.headline = 'The Beatles reconcile'
    entry.save() # Djongo does not really do a update to MongoDB
    Entry.objects.create(name='How the beatles reconciled') # Djongo does not really do a insert to MongoDB

# On exit, does: db.entry.bulk_write([UpdateOne(), InsertOne()])

Unordered Bulk Writes


from djongo import BulkWrite

with BulkWrite(ordered=False):
    entry = Entry.objects.get(pk=p_key) # Queries the DB once
    entry.headline = 'The Beatles reconcile'
    entry.save() # Djongo does not really do a update to MongoDB
    Entry.objects.create(name='How the beatles reconciled') # Djongo does not really do a insert to MongoDB

# On exit, does: 
# db.entry.bulk_write(
#   [UpdateOne(), InsertOne()]
#   ordered=False)